Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wanna sniff the air or commune with the buffalo...?

(Using your... ingenuity; No offense taken!)

Hey. Y’all looked great in your pixelated little internet call. It was so nice to talk to you.

And that’s why today I don’t really have much more to tell yas.

Subject line because we went to the Mercado Mapuche, which was pretty indigenous, if you know what I mean. I bought some stuff, and saw a lot of really neat things, like such as instruments, ponchos, sweaters, hats, blankets, jewelry, and just about anything you can think of. We’ll be going back another day, so If there’s anything you’d like lemme know that’d be great, thx. but seriously I’m always like, "This would be so perfect for ____!.......or maybe not??" So, just tell me the truth.

Also this week, we worked with Leonardo, who still doesn’t seem to understand that going to church to renew sacred covenants will bless him more than playing soccer with his amigos. But that’s okay. I think the Lord will help him find an answer if he really starts to pray about it. Other than that, he’s doing super great! He really likes the Book of Mormon and always asks if we can read together and leave a chapter for him to read. It’s probably because it’s so inspired. I love the Book of Mormon, and I love that it has answers to LITERALLY every question we might have.

mmmhmmm. That’s ‘ere thing.

PHOTOS: at last I have some stuff for you!

Can you bake a pie? (well neither can I...) 

His name is Bucky and he is a good boy.

That there’s a volcano.

ha ha. Check out our easy bake oven:  "When all is said and done.... it makes good toast."

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