Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Hasta la Visa, Baby

Good news! I am now legal in Chile! Mostly because I have a Visa now. It was a serious process, but none of that matters now.

This week. What happened? Nothing. There was      So.        Much.       RAIN.
and none of that Utah type rain. This is the wet stuff. Turns out winter starts early in this city.

Funny experience: We've been working to reactivate a member, and we called her Sunday morning before church to remind her that the Gospel's true so she should come and renew her covenants, and she said rather groggily, "mmfff, ya, okay I'll be there. Yawn." So we waited in the chapel and the meeting began and we never saw her enter. After the sacrament, we snucked out to call her and be all like, "where you at?" and she definitely answered and said, "Hermanas, I'm here in the chapel listening to the talks....." and we said, "oh... why are you answering the phone??" And then we died of embarrassment. mostly because it was a disaster and the whole rama knew that we called her during the meeting.

Thank you all so much for the support and help and prayers.

Apart from that. Nothing. So much nothing.

Not even photos. Or are there? You'll just have to wait 9 months and see.....

-Hermana Baer

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