Monday, January 8, 2018

I would, but there's just no time*

*references Captain America HISHE
heh. this letter will be brief, but not like underwear, more like shorts. because it's really hot. so sooooo hot. like one hundred degrees. all the days in the street this week i was like.... dang, sun.

pls to forgive the terrible nature of this letter. it's really trying its very best. there is no   in this keyboard. i'd show you but I can't because it doesn't exist. but the words uiet uack, like a duck, and earthuak use this letter. it's like a game. woohoo. so much fun. you can't tell how excited i am because the exlamation point also doesn't function. hurray for this amazing opportunity to look for alternative ways to get people to understand what i'm saying......
hurray for that's actually what i do everyday all day long.

but really. we've been teaching some people. here is the low down and so speed on them

-patricio- a youngish son of a member who, sadly, we won't be teaching him again because one time in our lesson i was like, bruh, what are you gonna do when you know our message is true -uestion mark- and he said, i dunno. probably nothing. i was just hoping to hear your point of view about your religion.

-teresa- a nueva that we found this week. she lives in a teeny house with four kids and said she'd love to come to church with us, but when we called sunday morning she said she was actually in a different church at that moment, so she probably wouldn't be able to assist with us. but we like her and want her salvation, so we'll keep teaching her about the best church we know.

-isidora- she's 9. and she really wants to be baptized. her father is less active and also..... less interested. she's super great and also very shy. but she's gonna be baptized january 20th

we find a lot of people who express interest in the gospel... just not right now. i've been thinking, how often does this happen to us, that we are invited to participate in the reality of the joy of the gospel, acting and serving others, and we say.... tomorrow is when i will be ready. i'd like to invite yall to do something tuday that will help someone else to find the gospel, or maybe just be nice to the missionaries in your ward. ya know, would you like a hot or cold drink or can i visit someone with you guys-i-mean-elders.

how can you serve the saviour through serving others

i'd write or tell you all more but there is just no time. and no other way. tune in next week to find out what the mystery letter was and also probably an even more vague and rapid letter.

----bye bye.
-hermana baer

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