Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Space Flowers

eeeehhhh...... I dunno.
We worked our little south american buns off this week.
It was hot. like.... REALLY HOT. see photos.
Oh yeah!! I bought a camera. Now you can look at the some of the things I look at.

We worked our little south american buns off this week.
The good news is that Isidora is a wonderful little girl. The bad news is that she will probably not be baptized. :) Hurray for all things in the Lord's time. Mostly it's just because she stopped attending church and we can't actually find her... not because she hasn't received all the lessons or doesn't want to be baptized. Maybe send your sweet American prayers for her and especially her father.

Maybe I never said anything but we had a Golden investigator, Marian, who stopped smoking and began to whip her life into shape, then fell off the face of the earth for a hot sec, then we found her again, then she was even more interested in the gospel, and then (miracle of miracles) came to church, and then in a sudden turn of events cancelled all our future appointments and won't let us visit her in her home......Soooooo also pray for her. And for us to know what in the fweet happened.

And then we found Maria and Henry. They're a perfect family who really need the gospel. They don't know it yet but we´re going to baptize them. All we need to do is prepare them. or just find them. ...

I guess the phrase that sums our week up pretty well is "where did everybody go??" And the answer is to YUMBEL. it´s like 30 minutes south of Cabrero and also is the Resting Place of Saint Sebastian. So......all of Chile was there. And not in their homes where we could teach them how to be happy for all eternity.

Also the Pope came to Chile. what a cool dude.

But not as cool as our new Prophet. That guy's gonna lead us down the path that rocks.

Ahem. Forgive me.
One thing I studied this week is DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS. Because I finished that whole Book of Mormon thing. Thank goodness that's over. Just kidding. I cried. I hart the BOM. Also, I listened to the talk by Presidente Monson "See Others as they May Become." It's real good. And I learned that when we see others as their potential, who they can become in the church, we are really seeing them as God sees them. That's how He views all of us... Which made me wonder.... How does God see me right now and in the future??

I cough cough love you all.
see you in a hot (or cold depending on where you're from) 13 months.
-Hermanerm Baer

Churrasco. It's delcious. I bought it because I have survived 5 months in the mission. #butwhoscounting


A flower thing. It may be from space.

And from a recent conference:

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