Monday, January 15, 2018

Well, I must be going now

*references Winnie the Pooh
To be said rather in a rather sticky voice.
Because of that one time when we were visiting with a contact named Carlos. He keeps bees. lots and lots of bees. And he's a little old/crazy/a precious soul in the eyes of God. And he told a long and very confusing story about how one time he was out communing with nature and was about to (I'm so sorry, Mom) take a pee, but God told him instead to be a Beekeeper. So he (sorrysorrysorry) put his pants on and got to work. So there we were. Talking or rather listening to him, and he looks at me and says, "ya know, you remind me a lot of my mother." and I said, "😬" And then he offered us some of their honey on some delicious bread and it's pretty good. But while we were eating a little he said, "No really, you're just like my mom." and then attacked me the most uncomfy hug I've ever not been able to escape. And I said, "mmrrrf!!! eeeep Noooooooo!" And then we all said, rather stickily and in a hurry, "oh my look at the time!" and ran away. But not before we bought some very yummy honey. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But this week we taught some more Isidora, who is NOT going to be baptized this week after all... bummer But she will be baptized on the 27th. So.... next time for sure.

Also, we went to visit the bedridden sister of a recent convert, and here we encountered their brother who is 54 and also "disillusioned with all religion. Everywhere." And so it began. Hna Lopez (from Honduras) is pretty fiery as it is, and she likes to push people a little, and so they were going at it, ya know, like
Incredulous Brother: "Does God save people in their sins?"
Hna Lopez: "No, as we learn from the scriptures God saves people who really repent."
Incredulous Brother: "But if I have faith that really truly God exists, and I worship him in my home, I don't really need a religion." (note irrational subject change)
Hna Lopez: "So why did Jesus Christ establish a church if it weren't important?"
Incredulous Brother: "Which Church did he establish? Nobody can know. there are just too many, and all of them profess to be true."
Us in a maybe loud voice: "HAVE YOU ASKED GOD??"
IB: I'm not ready. also, no one can really know the truth. There are just too many options. Also you can't be sure your religion is true because you don't have enough experience, you're only 20 years old, and in all my life I've not found a true religion.
Hna Lopez: Well look at that, It seems that I've done in 20 years what you couldn't do in 50, I've found the truth.
Hna França and I: THAVAGE!!!
And then we invited him to act and he said: >:[ No thank you. I'm not ready for any commitment.

BUT!! We do have one investigator who is a really, really prepared soul.
Feel free to put Marian in your prayers - She's trying to stop smoking. She's the best.

Well I must be going now!!!

-Hermanerm Baer

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