Tuesday, January 2, 2018

I bet you weren't expecting THIS*

26 January 2017

AHA!*  [References Emporer's New Groove]
Surprise. They gave us another day to write to you. Merry Christmas to me! And now to you. Enjoy as many photos as I can cram into one digital letter.

haha. It's two photos. #Godblesschileantechnology #prayfortheinternet

I wanted to upload a video of our apartment before and after in Curanilahue, but it will take more than 6 hours. So you will have to wait a little bit longer than that, and I’ll show them to you all in February of 2019.
Patience is a virtue, people.

But in all truth, I hope you had the merriest Christmas and enjoyed some time to ponder and reflect on the birth of our Savior, the Light of the World. The lights were always my favorite part of Christmas. But in the mission, I have the opportunity of giving to complete strangers the best gift I could give - the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For one hot second maybe think: What will be your gift to the Saviour this year?

See you all on the other side. #2018it’sgonnabebig

Side note: We won’t be emailing the 1st of January because the internet in Chile will be closed. But another day. The day after 1. 2nd of January. So we’ll see ya then.

-Hermana Baer

Presents! The most important part of Christmas! heh. Just kidding. See above for clarification about the most important part of Christmas. But the drawing was made by a recent convert, Krishna. She's 14 years old. She's fabulous.

COOKIES!! A member made us real life gingerbread cookies for Christmas Eve. She's the best.

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