Monday, January 29, 2018

Shhsshh you hear that?...

It’s the winds of change....

Well. Kind of. I’m not going anywhere. Except out of my mind. Because our little trio is now a cuatro! Hna Lopez (Honduras) is headed south to Victoria. Hermana França and I will stay here in Cabrero, but with different companions. She and Hermana Goeling (?from AMERICA!!!!!?) will be working in Monte Aguila. Which is actually just the Malad of Chile. It’s going to be great. Hermana SALMERON (Mexico) will be my new companion! woot. We’ll be working mostly here in Cabrero Central. yay.

Thank you for your prayers for Marian. I’m afraid she is dead. In an investigator sense. We went to visit her and found her - answer to your prayers thx - and she said she could no longer accept our visits because she is going to get back with her abusive and homicidal Ex and he doesn’t like it when she has visitors or leaves the house. :)   And we said "cry, cry" but also we’re not giving up on her. You can still pray that she will be safe. And maybe in the future accept the gospel. We planted the seeds as best we could.

In other news Isidora WILL be baptized. What a twist. Her father, after a little bit of yelling and telling us how he was way too busy for the missionaries, for the gospel, or for religion, finally let us come into his house and talk to Isidora. And then he was like, "I don’t want any of that stuff, but I want Isidora to have it. Can she be baptized on the 3rd of February?" and we said...... "yeah, I guess." 
So pray that when Saturday comes no one will be fatally injured or something normal and crazy that happens before a baptism.

Spiritual Thought: If doubt and fear are in opposition to faith, does Satan doubt he’s going to lose? Or does he know and he’s just gonna take as many with him as he can? How can we avoid doubt and fear? Have the faith we’re gonna win so, we can act without fear.

Okay. That’s all the time we’ve got for today.

Look! It’s us! I hart this foto from the Adapting to Missionary Life Manual. #themissionisactuallyjustlikethisincaseyouwerewondering #nobags #nodirt #calledtoserveasamodel

I met this dog. I named it Uno. He has crazy eye.

Meet Isi! She’s the little one in the middle.

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