Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I would but I just... can’t reach....

Me trying to type all the things that happened this week and also answer questions.

- Did they dedicate the temple? YES THEY DID. And it was lovely. And also mostly in English. #blessed #TrueChruch #I-LOVE-SPANISH-MORE-THAN-ENGLISH
Also the best Recent Converts from Tijeral went and sat right in the front row. So precious. They’re like... old and wonderful and it was a miracle they arrived. I love the temple so many and I’m so glad that I’ve been blessed with the most temple experiences I could possibly have here in the mission. So cool to be part of the process!

- The prophet came to Chile and spoke to the youth, but since we’re missionaries we don’t count as youth.... bummer. Everyone said it was a great devotional. #next time baby.

- Also we gon baptize 3 children of the Lord on Thursday named Silvana, Joaquin, and Isabel. Then we’re going to party so hard. O Sea work with members for a few hours.........yup. permiso.

- Thursday is also day of the dead so we’ll be doing some neat service in the cemetery in the morning. please hold for photos.... Then Friday is some sort of a holiday for the Evangelicos.... soooo. Enjoy a long weekend and be sure to sing your alabanzas de bendiciones.

- Are you reading in The Book of Mormon? I am. It’s pretty darn good. I like Isaías even though half the time I don’t know what the heck he’s talking about. What a dude. He sure had some neat revelations, personal and also prophetic.

- Question and Answer: We live with 2 other Hermanas who work in Renaico. Just us. We sleep in Renaico, but everything else we do is in Tijeral or Mininco. Literally. #life_in_the_skreet. We take the bus always. #May_God_Keep_and_Bless_Public_Transportation...

- Ummmmm. Other than that nothing. Here are some photos, por mientras. Thanks for love and prayers. Im gonna neeeed em. Keep up the good work I’m also praying for family back home!

Love, or whatever you call it,
-Hermana Baer

Temple Dedications!

When the graffiti is sappy. The beating of your heart is the best sound.... #so_beautiful #so_angst

Our best mission leader. Hermano Alex. We sing himnos for everyone with his little ukulele, and they all ask, "Where did you find such a tiny guitar??" #I_hart_chile

District Halloween Costumes.... sort of. We’re only humble servants of the Lord, people. BUT!! Yes those are COMPLETOS!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Nutha Gator?? Gimme that shovel!

Wow. This week.

-We invited EVERYONE to be baptized. And 5 people agreed. Mich.

-THE TEMPLE WILL BE DEDICATED. The prophet is definitely gonna be here in Chile. Don't worry. We let it go to our heads. He loves Chile more than you think.

-Hermana Dioses got bit by a dawg. So rude the little guy. It is quite the story. In the end we got to take pictures with the Carabineros! (The police :D )

-Our Peoples with interest are progressing amazingly. It's crazy how when people want to live the gospel and get baptized... they do it. Hashtag Isabel, Silvana and Joaquin. You go guys.

-Life here in Tijeral/Mininco kind of reminds me of Malad or Napoleon Dynamite. Pretty durn slow. But it's interesting how different life is for the members of the church. When we know that there is so much more than just a ghetto life of getting by in a tiny town. We can become so much more than we are and then we can become like God!! Crazy if you really think about it.

-An investigator taught us how to make bread.... It's so good and so durn easy. But meanwhile we were talking with her about God and she was like, "I would just ask God why is He so nice all the time if everyone else is so mean?" and we talked about Prayer and the Book of Mormon and all the potencial that we have. Why do you think God is patient with us? Why is He a Merciful God as well as a Just God? in fin the lesson was good and the bread was also delicious. But also she said she's not that interested in progressing.... so.....bye bye.

Subject line from that scene from Monsters Inc at the very end. Basically, how I imagine life for the Other Hermana Baer. Also, sometimes here in the Campos of Chile. Good times. I'm so blessed to be allowed to experience it. But how is the Hermanita in Florida? Check it out...

Campo po 

el pan de cada dia.... but seriously, we made that bread.

The ricketty bridge! we definitely crossed it to see if we could contact everyone on the other side. Turns out there's nothing but apples. How bout them apples?

There are only apple farms here....

Vicente is 9 years old and got baptized. (the virus murdered all my other nice pictures so here we are with crazy faces...)

We were in this house. Wow. great stickers. #TooGoodToBeTrue #ILoveChile

Thursday, October 18, 2018


From Winnie the Pooh. for reasons that will be made clear mas al rato 

Okay, so everyone wants to know about Tijeral so here we go!!
We live in Renaico, which is like 15 minutes in bus from Tijeral.

Tijeral is..... smaller than you think, you can walk from one side to the other in like ten minutes. 
soo.... cool beans. Mostly in Tijeral the work is Reactivation... BUT!! in the other pueblo that is technically part of Tijeral as well, MININCO, we work on holy ground. It was recently opened to the missionaries so everyone is like, "what is this True Church of which you speak and how can I be part of it?" We have 3 people who already said they would like to be baptized. Noice.

It's windy here so there are some pretty neat windmills (is that the word?? windy tower things?
Propellers on a stick??) here. It is 100000% campo. literally so hard core campo. Its very pretty. but there’s a lot of dust soooo just in time for summer allergies!! #unexpectedblessings

The chapel is about the size of something very small. There are 3 rooms and we have about 25 asisting members. Not bad for such a small area and also chapel.

My current companion is Hna Dioses. She’s from Argentina and is just about the same height as me, but with like 50% more battery power. She WORKS SO HARD PEOPLE. so hard. I was like, "daing baby grill..." But this will be her 4th cambio in Renaico Tijeral, so I’m thinking it will probably also be her last.... to be said not in a threating way. She is going to complete 5 months in the mission, and I’m her 2nd companion... so that’s cool (?) for me?

Nuff bout that. Let’s talk about me!! Best story this week: AT LAST I GOT FOOD POISONING!! All this time in South America and I hadn’t even had a cool story. but now I do. So there we were just after lunch and my stomach said, "RRRGGHGHH" and I said, "That’s never a good sound." And then I was like, "Hermana, I think I might be a little sick." And she said, "That’s okay, we are close to a members house, so right after these appointments and a few more hours of contacting we can finish our FHE and then head for the house :)" And I said... nuffing.... Then at exactly 6:45 during the FHE, the hermano said, "Hna Baer, you don’t look too good" and I said, " :´])) really.....? " and he said, "Does your stomach hurt? You should probably go to the doctor..." and I said, "ok" and my companion said, "right after we finish." and he said, "or right now." and I said, "great." so we left rull fast and then right outside their house I keeled right over. What a treat. literally in the gutter in the rain like in the movies. it was awesome. Then my companion was like, "are you okay?" and I said "BLAARGHHRH HURUGHLG" and she said, "I think I’m going to call someone to see if they can take us to the house." and they did. And I threw up more than I’ve ever thrown up in my whole life. So much. I didn’t even know I ate that much. But the good news is it’s all over now, and I don’t like food anymore, so I will be returning to a normal weight prontito no mas :D #hiddenblessings.

In the other and final news, I’ve been trying to figure out the difference between Faith and Hope... Obviously we have Faith in Jesus Christ, and we Hope that through Him good things will happen, but check out PMG chap 6 and it seems to me like they’re almost the same... what do you think?

Also I had literally no idea that the prophet invited us to read the BOM so I’m a wee bit behind (mine) in that, but hang in there, I’m finna do it. Are you down?

Also.. just in this very moment here in the ciber I saw that a virus straight up attacked my SD card... so pls pray that my camera will not lose every photo. I’ll see if I can send you stuff in a hot second. :))

[She tried to send photos, but they didn't come through. Next week, hopefully.]


Friday, October 12, 2018

And that’s all I have to say about that.

[The title is a quote from Forest Gump.]

CAMBIOS. I am now speaking to you from TIJERAL, Angol.
It’s VERY small. but that’s okay, it makes the goal to talk to and eventually baptize everyone a little more manageable. :P

Hermana Cepeda was transferred to San Pedro, Concepcion, so... good for her, ma lil baby all grown up and now in her own white wash :*) what a gal.

ROBERTO got confirmed!! He’s a real champ... he even went to conference a little... Talking of which it was GOOD?! I noticed a lot about moving on and forgiving and had 2 of 3 strangely specific questions answered with strangely specific answers... odd. but who am I to judge. I guess God just heard my prayers and knows what I need like always or whatever. Cool beans. I was only worried for a hot second when President Nelson stood up to dar palos. jeje. que miedo. But everything is fine now! :D

Other than that.... I don’t really have much to say.
so chao no more.
-Hermana Baer

I was gonna send you photos, but I cant find my camera.... pls pray that it didn’t fall out during my bus ride transfer :P Bummer.

PS Hermana Bazaes is gonna get hitched October 20... stay tuned...

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Best of Times . . .

2 October 2018

The Blurst of Times...

The good news is Roberto got baptized!!
The bad news is he did not show up to be confirmed.... total bummer.
But we talked to him before and also after so.... he will be confirmed at some point this week. 😓 It’s fine. everything is fine. We know that if the Lord helped us to find and baptize Roberto, we can also confirm him!! Miracles are out there!

Also... Are you people prepared for a conference that is going to blow your mind nugget?? I am. I have like 1000 questions. or maybe just like 13. but it still counts. I am 100% excited to receive a buttload of revelation. I know that the prophet is the voice of God - he speaks the same things that Jesus would say. and that’s why we should listen. it’s like a personal skype with Christ for like, 8 hours. What could be better?? I invite all of you to think of your questions and then write them down and watch the miracles and answers roll out. It’s gonna be big.

In other news, we will be having CAMBIOS!! So weird. I can’t believe we’re finishing the training of my little child Hermana Cepeda. She’s gonna do big things in the mission. Just you wait and see! I dunno if I’ll be staying here in Victoria or heading to another little piece of Chile. All things in the wisdom and timetable of the Lord, right??

Thanks to everyone who always helps us so much with magic prayers. I know with all my heart that prayers are ALWAYS answered. Sometimes more than we want... heehee. but always.

Hope you all have an amazing conference weekend and are spiritually and physically filled :]))

L8R dudes
-Hermana Baer

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Where did everbody go??

25 September 2018

Us when we arrived in our sector after being in the temple for one whole week. Or rather, just outside the temple in a giant tent. Still good.

I don't really know what to tell you all, except that you HAVE TO GO TO THE TEMPLE. I love the temple. I got so many answers. And they were more than just the subtle kind. probs because I'm not very good at receiving subtle answers. hehe. Also... the temple is pretty darn trunky people. sorry but the whole eternal families thing?? Please calm down.

Also so many happy people. And they wanted to know more... What? It was so nice. I'll just send you a few photos so you can see for yourself.

Also Roberto wants to be baptized this Saturday. Pls say some prayers that that can still happen. :D He's so ready!

If any of you need questions answered, please visit the temple! And also pray. That seems to work pretty good. I know that the temple really is where families can be together forever!

That is all. See you in 5 months. :D

 -Hermana Baer