Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tis the Season to be Jawrry

RA RA RA RA....!

I love A Christmas Story.

I love THE Christmas Story even more!!

FIRST OF ALL: Thanks to all the friends and family who sent birthday wishes - It was a good day! The zone made me a surprise breakfast party. So nice of them. The APs even showed up. #Legendary jaja just kidding. But they were there.... sooooo... ¿quien quiere dar jugo?

Also we got the goods during the interview this week!! Thanks for all the beautiful things you sent, family. The lights are hung o sea taped above my bed much like visions of sugar plums (or something) dancing in my.... head?? I can´t remember the poem thing. Bummer. #Grinch

And Dad, who sent me a princess wand. I don´t know how you knew.

Thanks for the book.... Which I read. oops. But it was extremely inspired and actually answered an oddly specific personal question I´ve had for years. Go figure. I wuved it.

One of my favorite insights was about the Wise Men, who in Luke 2 visit the Christ Child, and get to know him when they enter His house.... And then how us as Wise men and women have the chance to get to know Christ as we enter HIS HOUSE which is the Temple!!! So good. So many good things happened in the book and in my subsequent studies.

I´m also still reading in the Book of Mormon... which I HOPPEEE I will finish before the end of the year.... even though I´m still definitely in Alma... #withFAITH

In other news.... You can all keep praying for my BFF Silvana. She´s going through some stuff. Hard stuff. Also Daisy. Who wants to be baptized on January 5, but..... is being LITERALLY attacked by Satan. Literally. More about that in Februrary.

Also our new friends Rosa and Jordan who now have a baptismal date for Jan 19!! yay!! Go them! Oh and Tina who says she also wants to be baptized Jan 5... yay.

Okay I gotta run, but I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and can remember that Christ IS the sacrifice. He was in the Manger, He was on the Cross, He´s no longer in those places, now He can be in our hearts, homes, and actions as we serve Him and His children this year!!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

A good Cucumber like me

Remember that one Veggie Tales song about Larry waiting for Santa, and then like, a Robber and a Banker and maybe a Viking show up?? I can’t remember if it’s funny or not, but I think maybe so...?

I always try to be the best cucumber I can be... Also I’m waiting for Christmas, so I was just relating a lot to that Silly Song.

This week an oddly large amount of stuff happened. We went and sang Christmas Carols at the hospital as a zone. It was.... frightening and also strangely uplifting. Actually, it was a pretty special experience. The head nurse even came down to say thanks. It was neat to watch people listening and feeling something different, even for a hot second. Also, it was great because nobody could run away if they didn’t like it. #visiting the sick and afflicted #whether they like it or not :]

Then we had an intercambio that was 200% inspired. Every single one of my weirdly specific personal questions was addressed and answered but unexpected sources. #God is not dead nor does he sleep

Also during the intercambio, a new Hermana told me that Parachute pants are coming in style. That made me sad. Please don’t tell me it’s true... plsss #OhPleaseNotNow

Then we had a nice activity in the Plaza about Ilumina el Mundo :) . Then some preachers showed up and started yelling at us... All in good fun, they assured us. But it’s okay, the activity was still fun and successful! Gospel is still true, y’all. Just gotta get that opposition in all things.

Daisy, one of my favorite PCI asked if she could get baptized and we said, "well yes if you go to church and live the gospel." And she said, "Great, let’s all go together Sunday morning!!" And then we went to her house in the morning and she wasn’t there and I was a little grumbly because..... you know me.... but we called her and she was like, "Hermanas, I’m already in the church!!" And I made a speedy repentance. And now Daisy will probably be baptized December 29 Soooo pray that she is okay and that nothing bad happens to her por mientras.

Also please to pray for my favorite recent convert Silvana, who has been bombarded by Satan, but only because she is too good for this world. Literally the best. Poor girl.

Sharing Ilumina el Mundo has helped me a lot realize that small things really are the big things in the eyes of God. How can the time we share with others be so big for them or us, and also so small in an eternal plan. But still immensely important in the big scheme of things... Time is weird. But it’s the most precious gift we can give to those around us.

talking of Gifts...
What gift would Christ ask you to give Him this year? Would you be willing to do it?? can you ahem... prove it? o sea... will you do it?

Kay thanks.

-our house

-the view from our house when it was raining

-I decided I like the sappy graffiti after all.

Singing at the Hospital...

Pictures of an activity in the plaza

That’s my foot and skirt at the activity in the plaza!! :P

waaaaiiittt two funny stories... I literally already sent you a photo of me with the graffiti like 3 months ago.... AND I’M WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT ??? is it a sign? Freaking Hermana Baer.

Also... Hermana Salmeron’s Brother got married and she sent me a video of his wedding party and I HAVE TO SHARE IT WITH YOU because Mexico is the BEEEESSSTTT. try to one up this bad boy for your Ward Christmas Party. I dare you.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

This is Trunking me out of my mind

Weird story, Got my flight plans...

That was... fast??

But in other news... This week was HOT. It's hard for me to remember that it’s Christmas because there's no snow and everyone is getting ready for summer vacation. But I guess that's just what happens when you're on the upside-down half of the world.
Then again, it was probably Hot in Jerusalem like 2000 years ago... (Don’t quote me on that pls)

In our Omni-Zona and Christmas Devotional, we saw an A-MAZING video from President Nelson, I WUV it. here’s the link(ish) President Nelson Bears Witness of Jesus Christ in New Video
Sometimes turns out I’m so slow to learn about the Expiacion. I love when Pte. Nelson referred to Christ as the Atonement - RIGHT DUH he IS the sacrifice, he didn't just pay it!! o sea HELLO Hermana Baer!! So many inspiration in the video. check it out. Also I saw mi amiga flaca, la rocha Hna Dioses!! :) She's the best.

Also the Book of Mormon. I read something Really good, but I forgot to bring my notes... sorry. I’ll send it next week. Something in the book of Alma... maybe if you read it a little, you’ll remember for me.....? Nah just kidding.
Fun fact: Did you know Alma and Amulek are Chilean? they definitely have pan and an asado. Alma 8:21-22. True story. But they really are just the Dynamic Duo. Literally down to follow the spirit in ALL THINGS.

I love that we have the opportunity to remember Christ this Christmas, but also, turns out, every day. Check out Ilumina el mundo if ya wanna. I like the videos. they're pretty good. I guess. :P

Anywhoo. Stay cool....haha.
-Hermana Baer

Hna Dioses. :))

We had lunch with the cutest member, Luci

 Still Luci. She was so proud, and we had a great time.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Turkey Bae

26 November 2018

Turns out when there are a lot of Gringos in your zone you DO celebrate Thanksgiving!! We had a P-day Potluck and I made crumb cake (thanks mom for brown sugar :) ) others brought brownies and potatoes, and some wonderful Elder made CORN BREAD!!! The only thing we forgot was the turkey.... but even so it was a happy day.

OHRIGHT cambios!! did I already say that I’m now with Hna Judkins from Oregon? She sings nice. And loves to touch all the animals. #pulgas [fleas] <3

In other news... It’s hot now these days. I got roasted by the sun in a service project. But it was worth it because the hno went to church people. I repeat HE WENT TO CHURCH. we are 1 week closer to a baptism. #prays

I’m still reading that wonderful Bible that is actually the Book of Mormon. Recently I read in Alma, that one part where Alma meets Amulek. And on a rather Patriotic note, how the Angel mentions to Alma that the Amalecites are planning to destroy the freedom of the Nephites (Alma 8:17)... Interestingly, Alma was kind of like the former Presidente, and he wastes no time to get back in there and save his country (v18). I love to see that God values our freedom as much as we do, He delights in our agency, and since it’s really the only thing that we have that is ours it’s the best gift we can give. . . wait did I say gift?? Probs because we’re on a collision course for CHRISTMAS. ugh. the best. wow.

Check out Illumina el mundo ahora. por fis. Also the blog of the Other Hermana Baer. I heard that some good stuff is going on in Florida...

Anywoo... Have a blessed Day.

FOTOS at last. sorry...
-"There is Kulture in the [slammer] and in the hood".... Tan Flaite. Ni te podai decir. The word Kana is literally so ghetto I don’t even know how to translate it. But just think of the most slang term for JAIL you can think of. and multiply it by 6...
Mom, quick question... what is a ghetto word for jail??
Hoosegow, mainline joint, skinner joint, stoney lonesome, con college, glasshouse, bucket, club fed, greybar hotel, big house, slammer, calaboose, castle, cooler, country club, crowbar hotel, digger, farm, guardhouse, hole, joint, jug, juvie, pen, pokey, rock, sneezer, stockade, the clink. 
Noice. you can just put any or all of those in the part of my letter with the photo if you want to.... or not...

-Hna Judkins and I, living the life or whatever. (does my nose look sunburnt?)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

It’s getting hot out here...

something something.... something... I’m suddenly unable to remember the song... No worries. Forget it...

Turns out, it’s almost summer time here in Chile. We are looking forward to them good ol’ sweaty days in the sun (sounds fun!). The other kind of soggy walking will now commence. :))

In other news.... HNA DIOSES left for Santa Juana to be companions with the entrenada of my best MTC companion, Hermana Ellis!! Small world.

I am now with Hna Judkins from Oregon who is also the entrenada of one of my former companions what??...odd. Anywhoo, the last week with Hermana Dioses was awesome. It’s so cool to see how the cambio is inspired in a way I never imagined. I really had an amazing time with her, and I’m gonna miss the little lady. I never worked so hard in my whole mission as I did with her, so that was an awesome little refresher for me!! I’m so excited to see how our hard work is going to pay off in these MY LAST TWO CAMBIOS WHAT??? Funny how time does that to us.

On a completely unrelated note, in my studies of the Book of Mormon, I LOVED reading the two different como se dice relatos? [stories] of the people of Limhi and Alma. Two pueblos, Two problems, Two different solutions, One Dios. Do we allow God to help us find the best solution, or do we try and do it our way right now? I’m still probably one of the saps who has to fail 3 or 4 times before I catch on that there’s a better way if I just wait a hot second. God is so nice to us. So patient. Also with Joseph Smith that one time when he asked what Joseph wanted to know even though He’s literally God and already knew exactly what el jovencito wanted.
CHALLENGE: in our mission we’ve been on a music fast - listening only to hymns- and also reading the First Vision and our Patriarchal Blessing each week. It’s actually been pretty neat. Give it a shot? for a friend?

I hope you all had an amazing Turkey Day and ate lots of food to celebrate that one time that our ancestors almost starved to death. AMERICA.

Fotos: COMING SOON. I finally got my card cleaned (mas o menos), but the only photos I have for now are just blurry evidence of the Virus. Check it out. How neat is that?

Yes Very Yes

not a good prize

PS I hope I didn't just send you all the virus. That would be.... just the worst. sry not sry.

I freegot to tell you I saw this awesome mormon message and I wuv it so I just want to share it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


A cordial henlo to all.

This week..... nothing happened. it was a normal week. Except for that one time when it hailed so hard. like tiny golf ball sized ice chunks of death. good times. I’ll have fotos for you all soon. maybe next week.

For now, I have some other stuff I need to take care of. soooooo sorry not sorry. Gotta go.

For your spiritual studies feel free to enjoy Mosiah’s fabulous unifying speech and note how he invites his people to act and change, and then how they all unite and wanna repent! That is some powerful stuff.

We did a Christmas activity in the plaza. it was fun. there are some fotos.

Our p-day Activity Smores and hotdogs (or legs?)

Here is the zone...

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Can you see that, Richard?

Puro Insanity.

And I'm not talking Shawn T, even though that man is literally my best friend.

This week we had 3 BAPTISMS and I said, "God? Is that You?" and yes, it was the tender mercies of the Lord that allowed us to help 3 people make sacred covenants. It was fabulous. Also Satan Lives. There was literally SO much opposition. Lit erally. Suddenly there wasn't any water in the Church....And then there was water, and then it was freezing and then at last like 2 hours before the baptism everything was fine. We just had to push the baptism back one hot second or rather hour. But everything turned out fine. :D jaja. My compi was literally about to die of stress. She's the best. but I have such a strong testimony of Chill and Faith that I know if we do our very best God will make things happen in the way they need to.

Also right afterwards in the bus we lost all of the baptismal clothes of the rama and the Elders. #blessed

Actually it was a testimony builder because we totally fasted to find it and then TODAY we talked to the bus people and they were like, "Did you guys leave a bag of wet clothes on our bus?" and we said, "We are the party responsible for the soggy clothes. Where they at?" and now they are gonna bring us the goods. I love baptisms.

Also one time I was reading in the Book of Mormon and I really liked Jacob. He's such a cool guy. I love that he shares with us his worries and also some of his faults. His metaphorical olive tree is literally so good. I might be going out on a limb here, but i love olive chapter 5 :))). no but seriously. don't leaf without reading it. that would be the pits. ahem. sorry.

Also I laughed hard when I read 2 nephi 33: 14-15. literally Nephi is like, "See you never sinners. Enjoy your eternal BBQ." Nephi is......such a bro.

Other than that we worked soooo hard.

Here are fotos.


The water came out gross and green, but it still removed sins and past transgressions.

She's a big ol' heifer. Also there are cows behind her... 🙃

One more photo! "LOVE is Pain highness!!" I love Chile. This is my favorite bus stop. Love is not stronger than chains. (or however it goes)

No wait,  I FORGOT TO TELL YOU THAT MY TRAINER GOT MARRIED SO HARD. Here's photographic evidence that there is life eternal after the mish.
 #Thanks mission mom

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I would but I just... can’t reach....

Me trying to type all the things that happened this week and also answer questions.

- Did they dedicate the temple? YES THEY DID. And it was lovely. And also mostly in English. #blessed #TrueChruch #I-LOVE-SPANISH-MORE-THAN-ENGLISH
Also the best Recent Converts from Tijeral went and sat right in the front row. So precious. They’re like... old and wonderful and it was a miracle they arrived. I love the temple so many and I’m so glad that I’ve been blessed with the most temple experiences I could possibly have here in the mission. So cool to be part of the process!

- The prophet came to Chile and spoke to the youth, but since we’re missionaries we don’t count as youth.... bummer. Everyone said it was a great devotional. #next time baby.

- Also we gon baptize 3 children of the Lord on Thursday named Silvana, Joaquin, and Isabel. Then we’re going to party so hard. O Sea work with members for a few hours.........yup. permiso.

- Thursday is also day of the dead so we’ll be doing some neat service in the cemetery in the morning. please hold for photos.... Then Friday is some sort of a holiday for the Evangelicos.... soooo. Enjoy a long weekend and be sure to sing your alabanzas de bendiciones.

- Are you reading in The Book of Mormon? I am. It’s pretty darn good. I like Isaías even though half the time I don’t know what the heck he’s talking about. What a dude. He sure had some neat revelations, personal and also prophetic.

- Question and Answer: We live with 2 other Hermanas who work in Renaico. Just us. We sleep in Renaico, but everything else we do is in Tijeral or Mininco. Literally. #life_in_the_skreet. We take the bus always. #May_God_Keep_and_Bless_Public_Transportation...

- Ummmmm. Other than that nothing. Here are some photos, por mientras. Thanks for love and prayers. Im gonna neeeed em. Keep up the good work I’m also praying for family back home!

Love, or whatever you call it,
-Hermana Baer

Temple Dedications!

When the graffiti is sappy. The beating of your heart is the best sound.... #so_beautiful #so_angst

Our best mission leader. Hermano Alex. We sing himnos for everyone with his little ukulele, and they all ask, "Where did you find such a tiny guitar??" #I_hart_chile

District Halloween Costumes.... sort of. We’re only humble servants of the Lord, people. BUT!! Yes those are COMPLETOS!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Nutha Gator?? Gimme that shovel!

Wow. This week.

-We invited EVERYONE to be baptized. And 5 people agreed. Mich.

-THE TEMPLE WILL BE DEDICATED. The prophet is definitely gonna be here in Chile. Don't worry. We let it go to our heads. He loves Chile more than you think.

-Hermana Dioses got bit by a dawg. So rude the little guy. It is quite the story. In the end we got to take pictures with the Carabineros! (The police :D )

-Our Peoples with interest are progressing amazingly. It's crazy how when people want to live the gospel and get baptized... they do it. Hashtag Isabel, Silvana and Joaquin. You go guys.

-Life here in Tijeral/Mininco kind of reminds me of Malad or Napoleon Dynamite. Pretty durn slow. But it's interesting how different life is for the members of the church. When we know that there is so much more than just a ghetto life of getting by in a tiny town. We can become so much more than we are and then we can become like God!! Crazy if you really think about it.

-An investigator taught us how to make bread.... It's so good and so durn easy. But meanwhile we were talking with her about God and she was like, "I would just ask God why is He so nice all the time if everyone else is so mean?" and we talked about Prayer and the Book of Mormon and all the potencial that we have. Why do you think God is patient with us? Why is He a Merciful God as well as a Just God? in fin the lesson was good and the bread was also delicious. But also she said she's not that interested in progressing.... so.....bye bye.

Subject line from that scene from Monsters Inc at the very end. Basically, how I imagine life for the Other Hermana Baer. Also, sometimes here in the Campos of Chile. Good times. I'm so blessed to be allowed to experience it. But how is the Hermanita in Florida? Check it out...

Campo po 

el pan de cada dia.... but seriously, we made that bread.

The ricketty bridge! we definitely crossed it to see if we could contact everyone on the other side. Turns out there's nothing but apples. How bout them apples?

There are only apple farms here....

Vicente is 9 years old and got baptized. (the virus murdered all my other nice pictures so here we are with crazy faces...)

We were in this house. Wow. great stickers. #TooGoodToBeTrue #ILoveChile