Monday, March 4, 2019

Sacrament Meeting Talk

February 24, 2019

So sad! We had technical difficulties and didn't get the first part of Noelle's talk recorded. Here it is, starting in the middle:

  Click here to listen to the talk.

Arriving Home

13 February 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

You only YOLO once

Well, well, well....

It has been a real doosy this whole mission thing. I would love to tell you all about it, but turns out I’ll just be doing that on the 24th of February anyways, so you are all invited to come and listen.

BIG FIRE... FO HOT SUMMAS DAAAY... that is me to the sun. It was like 42 degrees [107.6 F] ALL DAY UNTIL 10 PM this weekend. A real treat if ya know what I mean. But cool. It’s fine.

We tried to teach our best friend Deisi, but in the end.... she never showed up. Sorry Deisi, I guess you’ll just have to wait for a hot second before being baptized. But Thanks to everyone else who prayed rull hard that she would make a good decision. Agency is fun like that -- you never can tell what one might do.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all my frens and flamy who have supported, prayed and been amazing back in Sweet Sweet Free Country USA. And also to all those who sent nice letters and emails, some days it makes the difference to know that there is someone out there thinking about you! Thank you so much! See you all very soon!

Anyways, I really just am gonna go disfrutar my last P Day in Los Angeles with all my friends. Sorry not Sorry. I will peace out with my testimony that only Christ and His Atonement are what make the changes in our lives. If we even are just willing to TRY to repent and be better, He will provide the way we can do just that. The best. I have a testimony of the Restoration and that Joseph Smith is a prophet called of God. Also, we have one of those prophet guys today who does a great job leading Christ’s church.

Okay... so next week stay tuned for my Sequel Blog: Dogs Rampage the Night: a comprehensive guide for future missionaries in the mission Chile Concepcion Sur

God Bless America and also CHILE!!

(I can’t send photos right now because I think this is windows 1999, yet another hidden treasure of Chile... so I’ll just upload them later and pretend that they were from today. :))

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Wheezes: "Get arff mi lawrn"

Direct quote from Hermana Hancock yelling at a small dog taking a poop on our front lawn... The accent was unintentional as was the asthmatic wheeze at the end of the sentence. She’s a beautiful land mermaid, and everything she says is priceless. I feel #so_blessed to have been her companion in this the last cambio of my mission.

 -Deisi is probably just gonna get herself baptized. She can do this. #prays

-Hermana Hancock developed SEVERE allergies here in the campo so we went to Los Angeles to the Doctor and they gave her an inhaler which is actually just looks like a vape. It’s perfect. We hope she recovers soon.

-We found an amazing little family from Santiago who wants to know more about the gospel. Also we found them because they have uh-mazing taste in music and it is Latin culture to share your music with the entire barrio by blasting it as loud as possible. I will miss that. We’ll see what happens with Joselyn, Cristofer, and their brother whose name I can’t remember, (sry) and Madre Evelyn.

-We found another AMAZING GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR named ROSA!!! ..... she’s also from Santiago. boo you Santaigo you selfish little city, you. But she’s SO READY to receive the gospel and make sacred covenants with the Lord! Hopefully we can finish her teaching and then she can just show up ready to get baptized in Santiago... with.... the Santiago Missionaries... ugh. barf. :)

- One time we threw a tiny stick through the open window in the Hermana’s room and they DIED of fright. It was funny. You probably had to be there. We do have fun in the mission. #autosuficientes

-We bought 5 kilos of strawberries.

IN MY STUDIES this week, something I liked demasiado was that CHRIST CAME TO AMERICA PEOPLE. Don’t forget it. I was studying so many good things from the Sermon on the Mount (SUD). I love it. please do compare it with Mateo 5. Also, there I was thinking about the Atonement and Christ and how he suffered for our sins and pains and how even thinking bad things kind of counts as a sin... and also receiving revelation that Christ maybe also suffered all of our temptations - all the bad things that we would ever want to do as well. And that’s why he can be the only one to show us the way because he knows both paths, the wrong one that we might take as well as the one that we should. As One exposed to wrong and as the Only One who never chose it, He can show us the only way to overcome such temptations. That’s another whole level of Expiacion right there. Dunno if that’s doctrine, or just speculation, or really even good English. Just a thought.
-See "Perfection Pending" by Presidente Nelson for some inspired Insight on Matthew 5:48 and Perfection!! SO GOOD.

okay, y’all. It’s been real. it’s been fun.... you know the rest.
The rest..... is silence.

Happy little mountains of Mininco.

Also Hermana Hancock.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Butt or Gut?

This week’s letter will be a shout-out to the Chilean transportation system. Thank you for all you do. And also don’t do. Champs.

BUTT OR GUT: The fun game we play on the tiny micros (buses) everyday: Will I be assaulted by someone’s poto or guatita? sometimes both. You never know.

More like HIS-panicking, am I right? That one time when Hermana Hancock’s wallet emptied itself on a crowded bus and we both panic-scrambled to collect credit cards and important documents.
We die a little more everyday on the micro. Rife is Lough on the street. (I decided that would probably be my tattoo of choice.) I love it so much. I wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything. Only Christ and my companion know the things that we’ve seen on the micros. =D

Mostly this week was a rull bummer actually. Deisi dived (¿dove? ?¿? ¿doved?) off the deep end. Ask me about it later. Also everyone else was like, "Actually, I’m not really interested in my salvation right now. it’s lunch time and I have to be anywhere but here..." Sooooo basically the normal mission.

We are teaching a fabulous old lady named Irene, who is probably a golden investigator. She almost fell out of her chair when we explained that God, Christ, and the Holy ghost were 3 different people and then was stoked to learn about someone "as brave and wise as Joseph Smith. He’s got to be an inspired young man." I love it. Makes up for all the other sad things. I love sharing the restuaracion, because it just blows people’s mind nugget. So true. Everyone knows it, they’re just afraid that it will change their life too much.

What else is there??
It’s hot.
In my personal study I LOVE THE NEW TESTAMENT and also the book of Mormon. So many good things happen in LUKE 2. I love the part where Christ was lost for a hot second (or rather 3 days)... and then they found Him in the temple... kind of like that one time where Christ was lost to the world for 3 days... and then we can find him whenever we want in the temple... strange little coincidence there.... ..... ...
I testify that bad things do happen. But also, the best thing ever happened, CHRIST’S ATONEMENT! so even when we feel alone in our mistakes, or we don’t know how to superar all the problems and thing that are going wrong in life, or it’s 97 degrees outside, we can always know that Christ did it first and paved the way for us to follow. neat.

K. Well the end is near. so... that’s all for now. Got a lot a stuff ta do. thx.

--Hermana Baer

WHAT ARE THOOOOSE?? Tan lines. I’m not even wearing a white shirt under my shirt.

This Dog is meeeeeeee.

This is a horrible foto. Sry. the only face I have.

One more of Hna Hancock

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A treasure trove of linguistic anomalies

Title references this clip from Oscar.
That is what I have become. I speak no language. Also Chile is a treasure trove of weirdness. But I love it. Except that it’s a bit toasty outside right now. Like 32 degrees C. hot. There are no ACs either. noice.

okay, this week.... We worked a lot! We had an amazing Multi-zona... the last one. I gave my final testimony in front of all my friends. Sad. You can see it if you want... it’s just what I know to be true.

Today for P-DAY we went to a little secret lake in the mountains that is shaped like a heart! se llama Las Canteras. It was fun! And High adventure! A lot of unguarded cliff sides to fall off of.

Ummm. This coming week. we wanna baptize DEISI the 26. With your prayers, she can do this! She has made some big changes in her life, and she is ready to get baptized.

Okay, trunky thought: A lot of times we are in situations where we can only think, "What the heck, God, why is this happening? Maybe just GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" but I promise that perseverance is power! Looking back at my mission, the good and the much bad, I can honestly say that maybe each day was a hot mess, and I didn’t love every second, but the friends I made, the people I met, and the good I tried to do was worth it. Hang in there everyone who is in something hard or unpleasant. You WILL meet someone who will love you or need you. Maybe even CHRIST. sooooo. eso. I know that hard things happen. I know that they happen so that we can grow. The experiences I had in the mission taught me to love the Atonement.

Okay. ready. See you all rull soon! in the snowwww.... cold?

The elders and hermanas from my group! (except for Hermana Ellis. Sad)

Las Canteras!

A ghetto bridge... you may or may not recognize it from earlier fotos?

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The suspense is.......KILLING me.

Wait I’m dumb and forgot to tell everyone about CAMBIOS

But just admit that it’s way more fun when you have no idea what’s going on. That’s what I always do.

OKAY so I’m STILL HERE IN TIJERAL yayyayayay for the fact that we are going to machine here. Pray for Deisi, our most haunted and wonderful friend who still really wants to be baptized!! She’s changing her life. Slowly, slowly...but, hurry, but slowly.... yay. BUT Hermana Judkins was transferred to PITRUFQUEN to train a new hermana! Pitrufquen is like.... really far away. que disfrute de Temuco, mi chiquilla.
Now I’m with Hermana Hancock from Arizona! She has 4 months in the mission and is fabulous. Just imagine Donna (from Parks and Rec). Fun.

Erm, also this week I’ve begun marking my small scriptures (Thanks Family!) after like... 10 weeks of being afraid to write in ‘em. I wuv it. so tiny, so true.
In my personal adventures through old Liahonas in la casa, I found a story called "A Lesson from Dandy" by Pres. David O McKay. I love that also. #Same #I’mDandy Read it if you can.
Also I’ve been listening to all of President Nelson’s old talks. I LOVELOVELOVE one called "Set in Order thy House" 10 out of 10 would recommend. Also "Our Sacred Duty to Honor Women" @ all_boys_everywhere. thx. #OldieGoldies

I know the gospel is true. I have at last overcome my inhibitions of sharing the gospel to the point where I can tell people in their faces they have to repent of their sins. Cool. the Atonement changes lives. I have seen it. I invite YOU to see it in your life!!

k. thx. bi.... or amen or whatever.

FOTOS - Hna Hancock en el Campo!
why the heck don’t I take more fotos?? sry. I’ll work on it. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


2019, BABY

It’s gonna be big. You all heard President Nelson say something like, "Take your vitamins..." DO IT.

Anyways, I only have like 3 minutes bc #Chile <3 but I just want you all to know that it was good to see everyone for Christmas! I love Christmas. I can testify of the words of my someday Compañera Hermana Baer who said that the true joy of Christmas is the Redemption of Mankind. So good. Here in Chile Santa is called Viejito Pascuero... which one can more or less translate to Old Easter Man.... which is uncomfy until one remembers that IT'S JESUS. #vamosPascua o sea en chile #Vamo_Pacua

And also as my companion said we must be honest... I did not finish the book of mormon on time... :o((( but I have faith in repentance. I love the Book of Mormon, and I just love to get lost in my studies. And then I read slow.... Lame. But I promise that the BOM is true!! We visited a Menos Active member recently who said something really interesting, that while reading the entire Book of Mormon for the first time, she was disappointed by how unhappy or grim some of the things that happened were... We could only testify that the Book of Mormon is actually a joyous testimony of Christ’s Love for His children, and that when we see the sadness of the BOM we can enjoy the firm knowledge of the peace of the Atonement. Read. The. Book. Of. Mormon.

Okay. Happy New Year! May you all enjoy your nocheviejo if you kachai,

Service at Deisi’s house

Christmas Fruits

Ya ever seen onea these bad boiz? ( You must use....THE BIKE! Maybe a quote from Princess Diaries 2 or something... not sure...)

Our.... zona.... for x mass

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tis the Season to be Jawrry

RA RA RA RA....!

I love A Christmas Story.

I love THE Christmas Story even more!!

FIRST OF ALL: Thanks to all the friends and family who sent birthday wishes - It was a good day! The zone made me a surprise breakfast party. So nice of them. The APs even showed up. #Legendary jaja just kidding. But they were there.... sooooo... ¿quien quiere dar jugo?

Also we got the goods during the interview this week!! Thanks for all the beautiful things you sent, family. The lights are hung o sea taped above my bed much like visions of sugar plums (or something) dancing in my.... head?? I can´t remember the poem thing. Bummer. #Grinch

And Dad, who sent me a princess wand. I don´t know how you knew.

Thanks for the book.... Which I read. oops. But it was extremely inspired and actually answered an oddly specific personal question I´ve had for years. Go figure. I wuved it.

One of my favorite insights was about the Wise Men, who in Luke 2 visit the Christ Child, and get to know him when they enter His house.... And then how us as Wise men and women have the chance to get to know Christ as we enter HIS HOUSE which is the Temple!!! So good. So many good things happened in the book and in my subsequent studies.

I´m also still reading in the Book of Mormon... which I HOPPEEE I will finish before the end of the year.... even though I´m still definitely in Alma... #withFAITH

In other news.... You can all keep praying for my BFF Silvana. She´s going through some stuff. Hard stuff. Also Daisy. Who wants to be baptized on January 5, but..... is being LITERALLY attacked by Satan. Literally. More about that in Februrary.

Also our new friends Rosa and Jordan who now have a baptismal date for Jan 19!! yay!! Go them! Oh and Tina who says she also wants to be baptized Jan 5... yay.

Okay I gotta run, but I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and can remember that Christ IS the sacrifice. He was in the Manger, He was on the Cross, He´s no longer in those places, now He can be in our hearts, homes, and actions as we serve Him and His children this year!!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

A good Cucumber like me

Remember that one Veggie Tales song about Larry waiting for Santa, and then like, a Robber and a Banker and maybe a Viking show up?? I can’t remember if it’s funny or not, but I think maybe so...?

I always try to be the best cucumber I can be... Also I’m waiting for Christmas, so I was just relating a lot to that Silly Song.

This week an oddly large amount of stuff happened. We went and sang Christmas Carols at the hospital as a zone. It was.... frightening and also strangely uplifting. Actually, it was a pretty special experience. The head nurse even came down to say thanks. It was neat to watch people listening and feeling something different, even for a hot second. Also, it was great because nobody could run away if they didn’t like it. #visiting the sick and afflicted #whether they like it or not :]

Then we had an intercambio that was 200% inspired. Every single one of my weirdly specific personal questions was addressed and answered but unexpected sources. #God is not dead nor does he sleep

Also during the intercambio, a new Hermana told me that Parachute pants are coming in style. That made me sad. Please don’t tell me it’s true... plsss #OhPleaseNotNow

Then we had a nice activity in the Plaza about Ilumina el Mundo :) . Then some preachers showed up and started yelling at us... All in good fun, they assured us. But it’s okay, the activity was still fun and successful! Gospel is still true, y’all. Just gotta get that opposition in all things.

Daisy, one of my favorite PCI asked if she could get baptized and we said, "well yes if you go to church and live the gospel." And she said, "Great, let’s all go together Sunday morning!!" And then we went to her house in the morning and she wasn’t there and I was a little grumbly because..... you know me.... but we called her and she was like, "Hermanas, I’m already in the church!!" And I made a speedy repentance. And now Daisy will probably be baptized December 29 Soooo pray that she is okay and that nothing bad happens to her por mientras.

Also please to pray for my favorite recent convert Silvana, who has been bombarded by Satan, but only because she is too good for this world. Literally the best. Poor girl.

Sharing Ilumina el Mundo has helped me a lot realize that small things really are the big things in the eyes of God. How can the time we share with others be so big for them or us, and also so small in an eternal plan. But still immensely important in the big scheme of things... Time is weird. But it’s the most precious gift we can give to those around us.

talking of Gifts...
What gift would Christ ask you to give Him this year? Would you be willing to do it?? can you ahem... prove it? o sea... will you do it?

Kay thanks.

-our house

-the view from our house when it was raining

-I decided I like the sappy graffiti after all.

Singing at the Hospital...

Pictures of an activity in the plaza

That’s my foot and skirt at the activity in the plaza!! :P

waaaaiiittt two funny stories... I literally already sent you a photo of me with the graffiti like 3 months ago.... AND I’M WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT ??? is it a sign? Freaking Hermana Baer.

Also... Hermana Salmeron’s Brother got married and she sent me a video of his wedding party and I HAVE TO SHARE IT WITH YOU because Mexico is the BEEEESSSTTT. try to one up this bad boy for your Ward Christmas Party. I dare you.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

This is Trunking me out of my mind

Weird story, Got my flight plans...

That was... fast??

But in other news... This week was HOT. It's hard for me to remember that it’s Christmas because there's no snow and everyone is getting ready for summer vacation. But I guess that's just what happens when you're on the upside-down half of the world.
Then again, it was probably Hot in Jerusalem like 2000 years ago... (Don’t quote me on that pls)

In our Omni-Zona and Christmas Devotional, we saw an A-MAZING video from President Nelson, I WUV it. here’s the link(ish) President Nelson Bears Witness of Jesus Christ in New Video
Sometimes turns out I’m so slow to learn about the Expiacion. I love when Pte. Nelson referred to Christ as the Atonement - RIGHT DUH he IS the sacrifice, he didn't just pay it!! o sea HELLO Hermana Baer!! So many inspiration in the video. check it out. Also I saw mi amiga flaca, la rocha Hna Dioses!! :) She's the best.

Also the Book of Mormon. I read something Really good, but I forgot to bring my notes... sorry. I’ll send it next week. Something in the book of Alma... maybe if you read it a little, you’ll remember for me.....? Nah just kidding.
Fun fact: Did you know Alma and Amulek are Chilean? they definitely have pan and an asado. Alma 8:21-22. True story. But they really are just the Dynamic Duo. Literally down to follow the spirit in ALL THINGS.

I love that we have the opportunity to remember Christ this Christmas, but also, turns out, every day. Check out Ilumina el mundo if ya wanna. I like the videos. they're pretty good. I guess. :P

Anywhoo. Stay cool....haha.
-Hermana Baer

Hna Dioses. :))

We had lunch with the cutest member, Luci

 Still Luci. She was so proud, and we had a great time.